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Adventure on the go
October 19, 2003

Adventure on the go

October 19, 2003 - 22:19

I requested Friend A to help me post a simple and short statement here,telling that I will be away settling some family stuff during this period.Friend A happened to decide to post an emotional entry and tried to sound like I would.Hohohoho.Thanks anyway.=)

False alarm.Or rather,grandpa got resuicitated and pulled back from death doors.. or heaven doors or what you believe in, and it turned out to be not that wise an option.Trust me,we are not heartless people.But prolonging life now means prolonging suffering.And it's really time for him to go without regret and for us to be able to put down an emotional strain.O my,I am selfish.

I just don't wish to see him suffer.

I walked across the woodlands causeway all by myself today!At night somemore.Had any of my parents knew or my boyfriend,I think I will be struggled on the spot.They aren't kidding when Johor is claimed to be a most unsafe place.Guess what,the most high rate of kidnapping,rape and robbery is the area of many money-changers right arcoss the police station.WTH.Girls really shouldn't roam the streets at night alone there.Phew,I am so glad I am born here.At least,I have a night life.Safe and sound.

Smuggled chewing gum back!Sadly not bubble time I shall.Off to search and hunt for food.
