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Dreams coming true!
August 22, 2004

Dreams coming true!

August 22, 2004 - 21:44

Officially announcing the upcoming birthday of my new car: Dec 2004!

cos my test date is in dec, and I chose to take a manual license in the end, thus having to abandon the nice instructor, hey friends,this guy is super nice! But he only teaches on Auto.Can ask me for his number if interested, in driving lessons i mean.

Still puzzled over the insurance issue for the car though.

Had a great time at KFC with Dylan, though eating one and a half packets of cheese fries wasn't a good idea.Technically for those health conscious freak like me, coupons for more deadly food with less money is actually bad.

Very much saddened by Singapore's loss in the match today, didn't watch coz was accompanying him but on my way home, saw on tvmobile: Ronald Susilo, Li Jiawei, Xueling(is it?) ,We thank you." That basically means: You lost. you dashed our olympic hopes.

no TV now cos the gov decide to bore the whole island to death by making sure the ND rally speech goes on EVERY single channel possible to be found with out further subscription to SCV etc.Sigh.

Going off to mug!
