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Feeling naked.
December 08, 2003

Feeling naked.

December 08, 2003 - 02:42

I just revealed to Dylan so much about myself that I feel so naked.Argh.Feel so vulnerable.

I really hope Yi passes her paper tomorrow.Pray hard hard.

Before leaving for camp

December 08, 2003 - 01:05

I packed so much clothes I think I am going for a nice fashion parade there!Argh.So qiao to meet Dylan at the MRT station on my way about thinking a person into appearing!

Chris's birthday is on 11/12/03. Happy birthday!

And the following people I'd like to hug...

December 07, 2003 - 01:59

Ok I am still up.In fact,I think I will be up for a long time.Argh.The terrible effect of waking up @ 4pm this morning. =( It is indeed a vicious cycle.

I don't know whether I am suffering from separation anxiety but I really can't imagine how it is like to be away from him for one week.Hmm,or maybe I can.Anyway,for sure I know I will be missing my guy.Kinda making me restless with that thought but I gotta start prepare myself mentally for the camp.It's always quite an experience to undergo a spiritual journey in camps and come back with a difference.I do hope to be enriched in my spiritual life and strengthen my morals and values.

I wouldn't say I am the sort who is the foot-washing baptist type but I would prefer to be able to sieve out and accept what I feel will aid in my leading of a righteous and upright life.I do feel the impact and the peace a religion can bring to a person,not that I think I am God or greater than Him,but I feel that my course of life,ultimately lies in my own hands.In some ways,Dylan and I have common feelings towards religion views..yet I used to be quite resistant towards him and even those views which we absolutely share,I will tend to oppose him and drive him nuts!Haha.Really don't know why I did that.

I would say that I am very much contented with my life now.In fact,it is so well-fulfilled that I feel very blessed.I give thanks,for everyone around me who made a difference to my life.Especially my mum and stepdad who gave me so much love and care,even extended their love to my boyfriend.Of course not forgetting my closest friends who gave me so much joy and laughter..adding bits of colours to my life..Christine,Noel,Prof,JL,Yi,Xian,Andrew..

And taking my hats off to my beloved guy for his patience towards me and my furry temper..never failing love and sincerity.Care and concern which are always administered at the right moment.Surprises which lit up my day.And hugs and kisses to mend every downs I had..Hey,thank you.=)

Will be away for 6 days.. from 8th to 13th.. engaged in Metamorphosis..Campus Crusade camp of the year.Location:NUS Prince Georges' Park.
Note:A piano piece music is added to the site.Hope it provides some comfort to the ear.Unsure of song title but like the tune.Funny me.
