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Of choice and life- abortion?
December 02, 2004

Of choice and life- abortion?

December 02, 2004 - 22:01

Let'see. My internet is finally fixed. After a long day of hanging out with dylan, he has finally went home. He seriously hasn't seen his mum for days! No wonder she is constantly jealous of me!haha.
Anyway, I was thinking and exchanging some thoughts with dylan recently and we always end up in a debate on the issue of pro-life vs pro-choice.
Well,apparently, I met a pretty interesting girl, my junior in OT, who is my age yet has a one yr old baby boy. So it was shotgun and the story go on as like any other cases around me. Girl meets boy, love,kiss, sex,then booom! Baby!Haha. Ok,sounds fun. But no, it is not fun.JC and Alevel is bad enough without pregnacy.Then NS is bad enough without fatherhood.Kids giving birth to kids, what has the world become?
I am very firm on my stand.Pro-choice! Not that I support abortion but a girl's choice is important. And by far, it is much better than infancide huh? Throwing baby down the floors? Better spend the $200 bucks and watch a 15 min silent scream movie as part of the package.
And I simply cannot accept loss of freedom, fun,etc... to motherhood so fast.Of course, that's people's business and choice, me just having my personal stand, I repsect her man, seriously, just hope it lasts.i mean, I am pretty pessimistic about such young marriages, attended my few friends' wedding, then soon after the kids birth, the divorce.
Then again, it must be a very strong choice.Breaking such news to family is really not easy. Just breaking news that I failed my prelims almost killed me already.So I salute her on that.
It's just a new world, dylan and I were just wondering after that, how many couples actually manage to keep the relationship pure and lust-free??
Me? I will salute motherhood at least a good 8 years away!
Anyway, enough of such gloomy stuff, I am struggling to treasure the last 2 days before my attachment starts!
Eat, drink and be merry.
