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Dylan's Bedtime bear...
November 19, 2003

Dylan's Bedtime bear...

November 19, 2003 - 21:12

Dylan was pleased with the big gift he got yesterday.I am glad he is happy with it.Actually,I am glad,that he is happy and likes all the stuff I give him.It's really quite sad when someone don't like what you gave them!haha.


It's weird seeing felicia chin on tv..honestly speaking,she doesn't act bad but she acts simply too sweet.


We are passing our second month tomorrow.Am happy coz we are still together... haha.Actually I find it sweet to remember this day every month,because,I look forward to knowing that we are proceeding months after months,in this relationship.Little by little,we build up something special.It's quite nice to go out and do something special together each month... but then,aiyah,guys are not keen on such stuff and I guess,we will not be doing this anymore..=(


The reverse bungee jump is out!no way I am trying out such stuff.No adrenaline rush for me.I am so not into such stuff.Normally I go into amusement park,to look after my friends' bags!Gee.
