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Burnt out
July 15, 2004

Burnt out

July 15, 2004 - 18:55

I don't know what happened but i seems to have lost a few of my older entries.Especially the most recent ones.

Anyway feeling pretty down now.. weird mood swing,that explains the theme of the revamp, but Dylan cheered me up.Thanks dear.

Feel burnt out I think,yah,that's pretty much the word to describe.

Phone... down the drain

July 14, 2004 - 17:22

hai,my dream of a camera phone just went down the drain AGAIN. So I'm stuck with this laopok phone. gee.Ok, I was still very proud of it last year, but now it needs tape to stick the battery to the phone.

Quite funny today that my mentor called to see both of us, nothing big, just telling us not to copy each other's work etc... not that we did it, but previously, other couples have done it, due to the close proximity of their life. So we are given notice first... hahaha.

It's weird that OT got this tradition of couples in the class, despite the small intake of male species.

I'm happy coz I got plenty of nice dresses now! O, I actually don't mind if Dylan wear working clothes to sch everyday, he looks smart in that. Haha. He knows what I mean.=p

Job hunting

July 13, 2004 - 19:39

Really envy my friend in Aust who's driving miles and miles every weekend to explore the place. Sigh. And my parents are pretty intersting. How do you expect me to get my driving license if you don't even sponsor it!

Sigh, really dun feel like going to school tomorrow. hahaha. but if i skip again, i'm really too much, well, the story goes is that once again, we napped overtime and ended up missing school yesterday!Ironically, i was the one who insisted others should turn up.

Watched The terminal, really nice show!Tom hanks is a brillant actor!But my favourite is still Richard Gere. And perhaps Adam Sandler.Heh heh.

My tuition kid has got a new N-cage food, her second phone this yr and she's only 10. What's the world coming to???? I want a new phone with camera too. I want a new digicam too.I want more pretty dresses and a pair of Levi's Jean and jacket and skirt. Why doesn't mum and dad buy me anything anymore???Feeding yourself is really not a nice matter.I shall continue to whine everyday.Or should I take up more tuition?? Technically, if I tutor one more student, I can learn driving with that $$$.Or get work somehow?Hmmm..

I can seriously consider getting busy with part time work coz I'm so free anyway and Dylan's need some peace to study without me around too.The $$$ will come in very handy.Ok great, I will hunt for one.


July 12, 2004 - 12:52

Yesterday Mr Lim said that my bedsheet looks like it came from the pasar malam stall. Grr.Such expensive high class sheets from walt disney itself.Sigh.

So disasterous, we didn't do our eprac yesterday, infact, we both fell asleep without taking dinner and in the end, by the time we woke up, it was too late for him to take the bus home so in the end,he had to camp over. Fancy camping over on a school night.

Anyway, here I am, in school, slacking.Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully my tuition fees come in.Then I can have good life for the remaining 10 days.

Nami nami

July 11, 2004 - 00:11

Yeah! was out in town yesterday and shopped in tangs for one hour only to realise I was in tangs and not isetan, coz my destination was supposed to be isetan. hai, so blur. but had a good time except that my dearest boyfriend was freaky funny. There was this Bra advertisement by wacoal where the girls sing this song: "Nami nami nami nami" on and on while dancing this wavy dance while wearing the new bra. Dylan watched it the whole time I was browsing thru the lingerie sales, and afterwards, he couldn't stop singing the darn song! In fact he even added the dance to show me... hahaha. a bit paiseh i must say.

Guess what I got at isetan? TAMAGOTCHI plus! the one shown in Her World. hohoho...we co-shared it and got the pink one. so happy, it 's pretty fun so far except the fact that my little chick wakes up before I do and make a hell lot of noise irritating me. sigh.

Watch 50 first dates today and was pretty touched by the show,and of course comforted by dylan's endless comment about how he would do the same as what adam sandler does if I kanna short-term memory loss. haha.Very interesting to know that the sealion got the world's second biggest penis.(as known from the show).Then does the elephant top the list?

Was horrified just now, everyone, never leave your food around uncovered. I left a bag of bread on the table and a lizard fell into it!then now I don't dare to touch the bag nor am intending to eat it.So digusting!Was imaginating that the countless time i have actually eaten lizard's saliva? yeee!!

I dunno whether this is good or not but after losing those weight, i gotten alter two dress so that they fit better. kinda like heartpain over the $$$.Bought a new dress from fashion lab today at real low price, heh heh.then i realised i have so much clothes in my wardrobe which i have never ever wore and i can no longer wear coz they are either oversized now or out of trend. sigh.

Will i end up with cornea ulcer if i keep rubbing my eye? should i see a doc again? I think i got a never-ending eye duct infection all year round. darn sad.

We two have better end up in church tomorrow.

Big swollen eye

July 06, 2004 - 20:39


Been delaying all my exercises. I need them so badly to stop the tummy and cellulite.

Hmm,my guy is down with sore eyes. I mean,swollen eye on one side. Pretty poor thing.More poor thing that I cannot help much but continue with sandwich making every morning?Hmm.. quite impressed that i actually remembered to make him sandwich while I was running so late already this morning.

Talking about that, I wonder if the girl I fetched this morning actually don't have the intention to take a cab but is waiting for her mum or what???? Haha.. if so that's really funny. But she's so nice, I gotta get her a little something to express gratitude.In the end, I wonder is I did something nice for her by stopping by to fetch her or she did something nicer for me by paying the full sum of cad fare.

Jamie, or rather Jay is back and contacting me. Hmm, interesting, long time no see. Hoho.

Pic taken off.Anyway this is the Sizzler dinner to celebrate my big day.20 may not be very big but it at least starts to have the 2 in front, actually, I think that's where the ageing starts!

I'm in the prime of my youth. =p

Dearest holiday....

July 04, 2004 - 22:03

The holidays are ending... no it has ended... oh my.. so sad. I wanna whine.

The hols realli came and went so fast!or is it plainly that the good and happy times all tend to disappear like air?but all those wonderful days will always stay with me..

Was at stage door with dylan on sat, trust him to come up with such a lovely and classy place with live singing!at first felt weird and out of place and whined till he wanna throw me out but eventually I like that place!

Today we were at begonia the whole day and I felt good to have him around as Uncle Dylan... haha. feels good to know that my family treats him like family too.

We went on a short and horrifying trip to JB malaysia kampong to visit my grandmum, thrilled her pretty much. But frightened me pretty much too! There was such a gigantic spider and toad hopping around the bedroom we slept in... o my goodness. and there was NO electricity. So I bathed with Dylan holding a torchlight. hahaha. it was funny thinking back, but i cried and made him pretty frustrated. Caught spiderman 2 in JB with my cousin.. hmm, interesting night.

Here's us in the kampong!

What a great time we had at Sentosa, but why does great times come and go so fast????
