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August 07, 2004


August 07, 2004 - 12:46

I can indeed get myself a car.Hahahahahaha. So happy, though I don't know what to do with it if i go off to study two yrs later.Hmm,maybe can negotiate with my dad to pay for it during that period.Then again,i will be stuck with the thing for 7 years.

Is it or is it not a good idea?

Thinking of the KIA 1.3cc.First or second hand?When the price is so close.Then insurance is so darn expensive for young drivers like myself.Or old drivers like my dad.Argh.

Sigh, I would actually happily join in the car pool program but they need drivers 23 yo and above with min 30 mths driving experience.Well,30 months experience I do have, but i have not above 23!Grr.
