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April 26, 2006


April 26, 2006 - 23:14

No I have not fallen off the surface of the earth.

nor am I burying myself under the bed covers to work hard for my medical benefit that includes A class ward stay for delivery!!! Since the day we found out that SGH has an O and G unit, Obsterics... (is that how you spell?) and gnae... heh hehe! very happy and pleased. got to stay in A ward, paid by my own hospital... so good!

I am just so god damn busy. that's all.

Mummy's wild imagination

April 18, 2006 - 20:37

Mummy was sooo funny. she called me and said," I'm going to bring you soup. You MUST drink." I went,"o,ok lor. but i am really tired. (i have no urge to drink soup too)..." Mum went, "O, you mean dylan is with you?" I went,"HUH? no."

it's funny how the very first thing she thought about when I told her I was very tired is that dylan is with me? What did she think I was tired from? From hanky panky???


anyway, I am amused that between dyl and me, the two of us can have more laundry to do than the rest of the entire family, aka the other 5 persons in the house!

My almost married life.

April 15, 2006 - 14:04

I haven't been making sounds because I have been so tired and drained EVERYDAY that i sleep by 7 pm !

Now Dylan and I both knows what it meant when married and working couples complained about lack of time and energy for each other, don't even think about kids man, where can the time come from?

Now I understand why some people's home can look so messy, their kids looking so neglected... we both have been pulling ourselves together to do household chores - our house haven't even been settled and the household chores is killing us already.

Now, my friends, this WILL be boring. Dylan is IC of laundry and ironing and dishwashing. I am IC of mopping and sweeping. hope you think it's fair cos apparently Mr Lim did a little calculation and thought that I was throwing work at him. Well, at least I can proudly say I got a man who actually lift his fingers to do household chores. Though, not as efficient as I want him to be la, but don't ask for too much!!!!

Of course, I have started to understand (oops, dyl just poppoed by for a kiss) anyway, - "O I am blogging and I need privacy else I feel very unsettled, go away!" ok, just threw dyl out of my room.

Anyway as I WAS SAYING, ... great. I forgot what I was going to say. NVM.

The whole point is, a relationship goes into a different level when you are more than 2 yrs together, the freshness and excitement changes into comfort and security and knowing this person will always be there no matter what, and with that comes a sense of being contented. I guess despite having tonnes of household chores to do, it is worth it...

and the next may jolly well be - who's going to change the diaper?

What did a girl do for a week?

April 07, 2006 - 18:14

I have been on mc for a week.

other than being sick and irritating to dyl, i have accomplished pretty nothing much. except coming up with a great report with my 2 other team mates.

and having a whole lot of fun playing with brushes on photoshop.

and laminating all my photos... only to discover..

thy shall not laminate photos because laminating company are buffing u! laminating actually spoilt the photo. sob sob.

so what to do with my laminating machine now??? and the remaining 99 pouches?

ok, shall start to work for my clinicals. make imagine my make-up clinicals... till siao ah!

sigh kinda lost the momentum.

hai, graduating is not fun at all. it's sad, filled with grief and sense of loss. though of course, the best accomplishment will be the countless great friends and dyl...

without whom, a lot of things wouldn't be possible.

i think maybe we can consider holding a mini reception in the school.. then again, the school's kinda too disgusting a place. hahaha.


April 04, 2006 - 21:00

For those who don't know,

I have suay suay contracted hand,foot and mouth diease.

I am as puzzled as my lecturer, HB, on how it happened.

And all my FYP mates are sick too, so everyone's kinda quarantine till they are cleared.

For me, I can only return to work on thursday AND i need to see doc for clearance again.

sigh. though mc are fun to have but feeling sick with a viral infection is not fun.

to think that at my most infectious period, it was undetected and pat and bon were so close to me, working on my report.

don't even dare to think of the make-up clinicals!!!

I will miss OT0301

March 26, 2006 - 19:29

The joy of winning the best paper aside.

The feeling of loss set in. Although we are still going to have PJ parties over the report and eventually for the publishing. but it's different. the conference is over and the feeling when a big event you worked so hard for is over, you feel that pinch of loss.

and feeling of sadness that the class is going to go different ways.

I guess there's so many nice people around me, that made this class so impressive.

See we are so sad it's ending. Nikki, my beloved FYP mate. It will be difficult to work the report out without her around!

Jiahui, the kind soul in my class. Always so nice and caring.

And eve! really high here. haha.

Of course, not forgetting the girl who spent 1 month with me in Japan. Those were beautiful times too...

I guess a huge part of my schooling life has ended somewhat.

I will miss it.

The day we won BEST PAPER AWARD

March 26, 2006 - 14:49

I still can't believe it happened.

But it did.

All the weeks of sheer hard work, 8 hours of meeting with huabeng a day, the sleepless nights, the PJ parties we had at each other's house.

We set out to win. And we did.

I am proud to annouce that WE ARE THE SOLE WINNER OF BEST PAPER PRIZE 2006! At the Annual Occupational Therapy Student Conference!

We are very proud of us.

And so is he proud of us!

Presenting our mentor with a card "Thanks from the Best FYP Team" - we had left it blank and agreed that we will write this on it if we indeed won but if sadly, we did not, we will just write a thank you and cry. but we won!

I was telling them that I will go into convulsions if we didnt' win. it's not that we badly want to win, or want the prize but it's the significance that counts.

Us kissing our gold badges.

Telling the whole world, we won!!!

$100 MPH vouchers! Not bad at all!

And it comes with certificates for all of us. A new addition to our CV!

of course my daring was there to congrats me. he wore the nice tie i bought from Japan!

I spent the whole night laughing about the win, thinking about THAT MOMENT! This morning still have the after effect!

Now, let's work towards publishing it.

BJOT (British Journal of Occupational Therapy), here we come.
